W3C promoted the use of XHTML. According to W3C, "The XHTML family is the next step in the evolution of the Internet. By migrating to XHTML today, content developers can enter the XML world with all of its attendant benefits, while still remaining confident in their content's backward and future compatibility." WHATWAG, Web Hypertext Application technology Working Group, began working on improving Html rather than going into XML, later though WHATWAG improved their program to support XML as well as non XML based programs. WHATWAG was formed in response to the W3C which they felt was moving to slow on standardizing the web. They also did not like that W3C picked XML over HTML and were ready to abandon HTML. WHATWAG developed HTML5 a markup language that is used for structuring and viewing content on the World Wide Web and is an integral part of the internet. HTML5 is the latest attempt to create a single standardized markup language that can be written in either HTML or XHTML. A great feature of HTML5 is that it has been designed with mobile platforms in mind.
As mentioned with the browsers and Html5 the internet is now working to accommodate mobile devices. Adobe flash is an example of a product that is trying to make its' way into the mobile department, but may not be succeeding. Adobe Flash is a multimedia platform used to make web pages more interactive through the adding of videos and animation. Flash has been most often used in advertising and games. In November 2011, Adobe announced the end of Flash for mobile platforms or TV (Adobe). In addition, most mobile devices such as Windows phone and Internet Explorer 8 do not support Flash. There is no Adobe Flash for iOS products, meaning the iPod, Ipad or iPhone, either. Unlike the Windows Phone and Internet explorer 8 iOS products can be made to run Flash. Apple the maker of iOS criticized Adobe Flash for not incorporating hardware acceleration. In 2010, Adobe came out with a Beta version that used hardware acceleration, but have not proceeded to make more versions since them and thus Adobe Flash is not on Apple's iOS devices. In addition, mobile applications are moving away from RIM, rich internet applications. One of the nice things about Adobe Flash was that it was free to download and open to any of the public.
That defines it